distribution of grocery packs

Suli Ning Lubao and Anonymous Donor Provide Grocery Packages to 50 Indigent Families in Lubao, Pampanga

September 7, 2022

In the spirit of bayanihan, an anonymous donor and Suli Ning Lubao has provided grocery packages to 50 indigent families residing in Brgy. San Nicolas 2nd, Lubao, Pampanga. The grocery packs contain essential goods such as sugar, milk, cooking oil, coffee, powdered milk, rice, and canned goods. These items will surely help the families in their daily sustenance, especially in these trying times when many are struggling to make ends meet.


The donations were delivered to SNL on August 27, 2022, where the organization handled the packaging. On September 7 of the same year, SNL also provided logistic service for the distribution of food packages. Through the dedication and hard work of SNL volunteers, the grocery packages were delivered to the recipients’ doorsteps.

It is heartening to see that there are still people who are willing to extend help to those in need, especially during this pandemic where many have lost their sources of income. The anonymous donor’s act of kindness has surely brought joy and hope to the 50 families who received the grocery packages.


This partnership between the anonymous donor and SNL also highlights the importance of community organizations in bridging the gap between the privileged and underprivileged members of society. It shows that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status, can contribute to building a better and more equitable community.


Donors from Lubao and neighboring areas can tap SNL for partnership opportunities like this. The organization’s dedication and commitment to serving the marginalized and underprivileged members of the community make it an excellent partner for those who want to extend help and make a positive impact on the lives of others.


In conclusion, let us continue to inspire and be inspired by the generosity and kindness of people like the anonymous donor and the volunteers of Suli Ning Lubao. Let us all do our part in making the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.