Project Timan

Project Timan: Bringing Smiles and Dental Health to Pulung Bisaya Children

April 29, 2023

Dental care is a basic need that should be accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to avail themselves of it, especially those living in poverty-stricken areas. This is where Project Timan comes in. The project aims to provide dental care to the children of Pulung Bisaya, Sta. Catalina, and promote the importance of oral health and well-being.

On April 29th, the first batch of children from Pulung Bisaya visited Magtoto Maclan Dental Clinic for dental interventions. Thanks to the volunteers who assisted them, the children underwent tooth extraction with little to no discomfort. They were also provided with free analgesic medication from a generous donor.

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Project Timan not only addresses the dental health of the children but also helps boost their self-esteem and confidence. A healthy smile is a symbol of joy, positivity, and happiness. Through this initiative, the project team aims to spread smiles and make a difference in the lives of these less fortunate children, one smile at a time.

The success of Project Timan would not be possible without the support of anonymous donors who made it all possible, and Magtoto Maclan Dental Clinic, especially Dr. Cecille Magtoto-Maclan and her associates, for their generous support. We are grateful for their partnership in this endeavor.

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Project Timan is a worthy cause that aims to improve the dental health of children, promote oral health and well-being, and boost their self-esteem and confidence. Let us continue to spread smiles and make a difference in the lives of those around us, one smile at a time.