Project salangi

Bringing Light and Hope: How Project Salangi Illuminates Lives in Purok Malaya

March 23, 2023

Access to electricity is a basic necessity, but unfortunately, it is still a luxury for millions of people around the world. In Purok Malaya, a small village in San Jose Gumi, the residents have been living without electricity for years. However, thanks to the efforts of Suli Ning Lubao’s Project Salangi and its individual donors, 150-watt solar lights have been distributed to households in the area. This initiative is not only providing light to the residents but also empowering them to pursue their dreams.

The impact of these solar lights is significant, especially for the children who are struggling to study in the dark. With the solar lights, they can now do their homework at night and continue their education without any interruptions. This simple solution has given them the power to take control of their education and pursue their dreams.

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Apart from education, the solar lights are also helping households save money on their lighting bills. Traditional sources of light like kerosene lamps, candles, or batteries are not only expensive but also pose a risk to the environment and people’s health. The installation of solar lights is a more sustainable and affordable solution that is also safer for the residents.

The distribution of solar lights in Purok Malaya is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims for affordable and clean energy for all. It is heartening to see initiatives like Suli Ning Lubao’s Project Salangi bringing hope and positivity to the lives of people who have been living in darkness for far too long.

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It is easy to take electricity for granted when it is readily available to us. But for millions of people around the world, access to electricity is still a dream. Projects like Suli Ning Lubao’s Project Salangi show us that it is possible to make a difference and bring light to people’s lives, one solar light at a time.